A year ago, we were in Argentina, Buenos Aires.
A year ago, we celebrated Lucho’s 28th birthday.
He has turned 29. In Czech Republic. In Prague.
In 2014, we might celebrate his 31st in Finland, Poland, who knows…
We’re now talking about a big tour, a « Baltic tour » !!!
2014, 6 months, a few thousand kilometres, 10 countries, maybe more. We will travel with our circus, our Big Top, our caravans to explore The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, the Baltic countries, Finland, Sweden, Denmark…
Those of you who read us and who have ideas of people to meet, to share with, to bring crazy things alive with, please let us know!!!
After over 6 weeks in Eastern Europe, we have come back home. Well… We come back to France.
Risque Zéro left an indelible mark on Czechs and Hungarians. We witnessed it, we experienced it, it was fabulous! When you looked at the spectators during the show, you realized how much of an experience they were living, a real adventure, a journey during an hour and a half. We have had a lot of standing ovations, lots of spectators told us about the enchanting moments they’d experienced.
All this travelling is not for nothing. In Eastern Europe, Contemporary Circus is not to be found everywhere. Our « Risque zérO » opens doors…
For those of us in the company who are part of the audience every night, the artists embark us, day after day. There’s something magical about it. An energy, a special thing that gives you joy and makes you want to dance to the end of the night. So good.
We have plenty of dreams, of envies. We’d like to travel to many other countries of the world with « Risque zérO » but also with the new productions each one of the artists of the company are preparing.
Life goes on, we’re made of the different experiences we have been given to live.
As time passes, we choose our way to explore, to share, push back the borders, visit the limits, question ourselves, and let the show go on, always…
Diky, Thank you and Merci.
See you very soon on the road.